KPI officer dedicates her poem to Easter

In the midst of the ongoing war against Russian invaders and terrorists, a profound sense of sorrow pervades. Yet, every Ukrainian soul longs for light, love, purification, and peace. These aspirations are particularly felt on the eve of Easter.

Olena Kizub, officer from the International Collaboration Department at the Igor Sikorksy Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI), has decided to share a heartfelt poem with her colleagues, dedicated to this feast.

In unity lies our strength. United, we are winning the war. Let us proudly proclaim, “Glory to Ukraine!”

O golden days of spring so fair,
Young sisters filled with dreams to share.
Each time with hopes, you take your flight,
Like birds that soar in sunny light.

“Clang, clang, clang,” your voices ring,
Over the fields, a joyful thing.
Through villages and cities grand,
Spreading joy throughout the land.

In garments of spring, you shine so bright,
To meet the world with great delight.
And Nature’s angels loudly sing,
“Christ is risen! He’s risen, King!”

Весни, весни, весни,
Сестриці молодії,
Щоразу несете ви
І мрії, і надії.

Літаєте з птахами:
“Курли, курли, курли”
Над селами й містами
В час радості й хвали.

Ошатно одягаєтесь
Зустріти світ увесь.
Природа промовляє:
“Христос Воскрес! Воістину воскрес!”.