5 Reasons why every company needs proper translation services

Globalization means that companies of all sizes—and from all sorts of fields—can tap into new markets faster, access foreign cultures, and attract new, specialized talent from across the globe. However, going global is not without challenges.

Firstly, the diversity in your workforce may create differences in cultural expectations and internal communication, as employees are likely to work in different locations and may have a different native language. Secondly, marketing products and supporting customers in new markets can create obstacles for your business due to language barriers and cultural differences.

Here’s the thing—many cities across the world are now global communities. As such, business success is only possible for organizations that can reach multicultural audiences and interact with clients effectively in the language they speak and understand. This is especially important for businesses and organizations in compliance-intensive industries such as financial services, scientific research, healthcare, travel and tourism, legal, and education.

So, if you’re planning to expand your business further globally, working with a reliable translation service is the best way to ensure your company’s communication is flawless and successful. With that in mind, here’s why every company needs proper translation services in today’s digital world:

1. Enhance brand awareness and visibility

A 2020 survey by CSA Research found that 40% of internet users won’t shop on websites that are not in their native language. In another survey by the same organization, 75% of consumers make a positive purchase decision when the product information on a website is in their native language.

According to Translated, businesses that translate their websites to leading international languages such as English, Chinese, Japanese, Spanish, German, French, Portuguese, and Italian gain access to 80% of worldwide online purchasing power.

2. Better business communication

3. Localization matters

A 2014 study found that 86% of localized mobile ads led to better conversion and click-through rates than their English counterparts. Additionally, statistics show that only 25% of internet users communicate in English, which means every company going global needs to translate its website and content to different languages to cater to the other 75% of internet users.

4. Ensure accurate and reliable translation

You probably already know that running a business requires one to be accurate and precise, especially when it comes to communicating to employees, customers, suppliers and other key stakeholders.

Although there are free online translation tools that you can use to translate your marketing content and website into different languages, they often lead to poor-quality results. You might cut down on the cost of translation and localization but you are likely to end up with grammatical errors, clumsy language and cultural faux pas that may cause your company to lose sales.

5. Helps you avoid legal issues

Mistranslations can easily lead to legal issues or lawsuits, which is why you need proper translation services.

More information: https://www.readersdigest.co.uk/inspire/down-to-business/5-reasons-why-every-company-needs-proper-translation-services