Do cats and dogs have dreams?

Wonder what’s going on in your furry friend’s head when they’re sleeping? Here’s what we know so far

In the tranquil moments when our beloved cats curl up on sunlit windowsills or our loyal dogs find sanctuary in the warmth of their beds, a timeless question hovers in the air, shrouded in mystery: do our cherished pets have dreams? This enchanting inquiry finds itself at the intersection of scientific curiosity and the tender bond we share with our four-legged companions.

Before we unfurl the whimsy of pet dreams, it is essential to unravel the intricacies of their sleep cycles. Both cats and dogs undergo two fundamental stages of sleep: the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) phase, synonymous with vivid dreams in humans, and the non-REM phase.

While our understanding of pet dreams is still evolving, the undeniable similarity in sleep architecture prompts us to ponder whether, in the quiet corners of their slumber, our pets traverse dreamscapes similar to our own.

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