In the summer of 2020, Prof. Krzysztof Zaremba was elected as Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology for the term of 2020-2024. Following are…
Read more Letters from Igor Sikorsky KPI Rector Mykhailo ZGUROVSKY, Prof. Jan SzmidtAuthor: ukr_times
Letters from Igor Sikorsky KPI Rector Mykhailo ZGUROVSKY, AGH UST Rector Jerzy Lis
In the summer of 2020, Prof. Jerzy Lis was elected as Rector of the AGH University of Science and Technology for the term of 2020-2024.…
Read more Letters from Igor Sikorsky KPI Rector Mykhailo ZGUROVSKY, AGH UST Rector Jerzy LisStonehenge: Mystery of mighty stones solved by archaeologists
Archaeologists have solved one of Stonehenge’s greatest mysteries — the precise source of the world-famous prehistoric temple’s largest stones. A new scientific breakthrough has, for…
Read more Stonehenge: Mystery of mighty stones solved by archaeologistsThank-you letter from Adam Mickiewicz University Rector-Elect
On June 29, Prof. Bogumila Kaniewska was elected as Rector of the Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznan, for the term of 2020-2024. Following is a thank-you…
Read more Thank-you letter from Adam Mickiewicz University Rector-ElectLetters from Igor Sikorsky KPI Rector Mykhailo ZGUROVSKY, PUT Rector Teofil Jesionowski
On May 26, Prof. Teofil Jesionowski was elected as Rector of the Poznan University of Technology for the term of 2020-2024. Following are the letter…
Read more Letters from Igor Sikorsky KPI Rector Mykhailo ZGUROVSKY, PUT Rector Teofil Jesionowski