Higher education can help to rebuild society after war

With war ravaging the social institutions of Ukraine, over six million Ukrainians have fled to neighbouring countries. People’s lives have been impacted by the crisis in devastating ways. For those who have fled, the choice has been between staying and risking injury, or leaving and going into exile.

Millions of people have opted for the latter option, seeking safety and security in Poland and Germany, among others. As a result of the refugee crisis, these countries have had to provide asylum and food for exiles.

The unprecedented wave of migrants from Ukraine has pushed the number of refugees worldwide to the highest level since the Syrian conflict began, leaving the United States, Canada and other countries scrambling to find ways to help. The crisis has also strained relations between Ukraine and its neighbours, which have imposed restrictions on migrants’ ability to travel freely.

Following the devastation caused by war, nations have to rebuild their economies and societies. Within this context, higher education plays an important role in the process of reconstruction as it provides opportunities for education and training that can assist nations in recovering and developing.

Education in Ukraine

Ukraine’s education system has suffered major damage due to the war.

Schools have been damaged, teachers have been killed or displaced and classes have been cancelled. Most schools are currently closed and those that are operating are barely able to function. Most students have not been able to attend school for months, if at all, and those who have been able to attend have received only a few hours of instruction per week.

Fields such as education, teacher education and educational administration have been negatively impacted by the displacement of people and the destruction of educational facilities.

A total of 1,735 pre-schools and schools (ages 3-18) have been damaged, while 200 have been completely destroyed, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Moreover, the ministry reports that only five out of 25 regions are experimenting with face-to-face or blended learning as of 23 May 2022. Some parents have decided that it is safer to keep their children at home instead of sending them to school, which has had an adverse effect on the educational system. The disruption of education services has negatively impacted the ability of schools to provide a quality education for their students.

In the aftermath of the war in Ukraine, higher education institutions will be forced to adapt to new realities and opportunities. The devastation left behind by the heinous Russian aggression will offer universities the opportunity to rethink their roles and their place in society.

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