Taming crocodile is as ill-advised as befriending russia

Recently, Yurii Shcherbak, a distinguished writer and diplomat, and a member of the Presidium of the Ukrainian Peace Council, presented his new book, To Kill Evil Empire: Russia is Eternal Enemy of Ukraine, published by the Duh i Litera publishing house.

A panel discussion titled “Geopolitical Dialogues” (featuring two Ukraine’s then-ambassadors to the U.S.: Yurii Shcherbak headed the Ukrainian embassy from 1994 to 1998, and Valeriy Chaly, who served in the same role from 2015 to 2019) was attended by diplomats, civic activists, writers, and scholars.

Yurii Shcherbak said the book contains texts written during the full-scale Russia-Ukraine war, and author’s thoughts on russia’s policy over the past three decades since Ukraine gained independence. Like any Ukrainian today, the writer strongly believes that resisting moscow’s invasion is a matter of the survival of the Ukrainian nation.

In particular, the book describes the first weeks of the war. Yurii Shcherbak knuckled down to work and resist information warfare from the first days of the full-scale invasion: he composed appeals, communicated with journalists from different countries, explained what was happening, and called for support for Ukraine. “These appeals were monitored by all the influential embassies across the globe,” noted Valeriy Chaly.

The voice of the Ukrainian writer (as well as the voice of hundreds and thousands of Ukrainians) has been heard.

The book was written in Poland, where the writer relocated in February 2022. Yurii Shcherbak emphasized that he is deeply grateful to the Poles – relatives, friends, and strangers – who helped him open a new chapter in his life. Over less than two years, he traveled throughout Poland, meeting with writers, politicians, and ordinary workers.

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