Researchers must ‘shape change’ in int’l cooperation

Research-intensive universities across Europe have agreed a set of principles that will strengthen international cooperation during a time of “unstable geopolitical context”, especially following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in February.

In a joint statement, three organisations – The German U15, The Guild of European Research-Intensive Universities, and Udice in France – reiterated that international cooperation is “essential for the progress of science and benefits humanity as a whole”. Scientific cooperation carried out by research universities can act as a “major diplomatic tool”, they added.

International research and higher education collaboration is also “essential” for sustainable and balanced development worldwide.

As a pillar of “European development and technological sovereignty”, research universities are willing to help prevent risks associated with international cooperation, the organisations noted, as they expressed “uncompromising solidarity” with Ukrainian universities.

The “openness” of the European Education and Research Areas is especially attractive, and they called for European funding programs for collaboration to open up more to third countries. They also reiterated their support for the participation of the United Kingdom and Switzerland in the Horizon Europe program as associated countries.

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