By Janusz Fuksa

The seminar “Economic Cooperation with Ukraine”, organised by the Poland’s Section of Kyiv Polytechnic Alumni, took place at the GREGORY Hotel in Kobylka near Warsaw from 31 May to 2 June 2024.

At the beginning of the official part, the Chairman of the Section read out a letter from the Rector of Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI), addressed to the university alumni. Bronisław Hynowski, President of the Society of Culture and History of Technology, presented a letter of greeting from Ewy Mańkiewicz-Cudny, President of FSNT NOT.

The participants heard reports on the grave economic situation in Ukraine, and Polish assistance to this country. Presented by Wiesław Kazana and Janusz Fuksa, their slides with photos from Kyiv were projected onto the screen. The President of TKiHT presented the biography of General and Engineer Józefa Bema, as NOT declared 2024 the year of this outstanding military leader.

Alumni from different parts of Poland, as well as from Sweden and France, toured the city and recalled their student years in Kyiv. After the discussion, the participants visited Warsaw and got acquainted with the exposition of the POLIN Museum. During a gala reception they viewed hundreds of photos from alumni reunions and the inauguration ceremony at KPI. After the seminar, the participants travelled to Ossowa to visit the site of the Battle of Warsaw in 1920.

The seminar was hosted by Wiesław and Iwona Kazanowie and supported by Henryka Bukalskiego and Joanny Laskowskiej.