Visit of Rector from National University of Technology in Ukraine

During the visit Professor Łodygowski, the Rector of PUT, with Professor Mykhailo Zgurowski signed the agreement on the dual degree of M.Sc .in biotechnological engineering and the collaboration within the framework of Erasmus+ programme. The ceremony was also attended by Professor Teofil Jesionowski Ph.D .D.Sc. , Vice–Rector for Life Long Learning, Professor Franciszek Tomaszewski, the Dean of the Faculty of Machines and Transport, and Professor Olaf Ciszak, The Dean of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management.

Professor Mykhailo Zgurowski also participated in the Inauguration of the Academic Year 2017/2018, he met scientists from the Faculty of Chemical Technology, the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Management, the Faculty of Machines and Transport and finally, he visited laboratories.

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